Don't wait for a special occasion, create one! We love to celebrate everyday, anyday. Our customizable menu and invitation templates are perfect for upscaling your backyard soiree or weekend brunch.
The "Tomato Canopy" menu + invitation templates were inspired by a visit to a friend's garden with tomato vines spilling over archways. The design is created from pencil and marker, then adjusted in photoshop.
The "Join Us" element can be moved or deleted, but because it is a hand-drawn asset, it is not editable. The tomato illustrations are locked in place. The color of the background can be changed.
The rest of type is fully editable to customize your details, fonts, size, and colors.
Final file size is 5 in x 5 in
It will be available to edit and download right away. Deliver to your guests digitally or have printed at a local print shop near you!
All templates are fully customizable using a free Canva account.
Be sure to tag me on instagram @phthaloruth. I'd love to see what you create!
Don't wait for a special occasion, create one! We love to celebrate everyday, anyday. Our customizable menu and invitation templates are perfect for upscaling your backyard soiree or weekend brunch.
The "Tomato Canopy" menu + invitation templates were inspired by a visit to a friend's garden with tomato vines spilling over archways. The design is created from pencil and marker, then adjusted in photoshop.
The "Join Us" element can be moved or deleted, but because it is a hand-drawn asset, it is not editable. The tomato illustrations are locked in place. The color